Hello my Name is Joshua Skeete, I am currently in my second and final year at NSCC in the IT Programming course. I have been working with alot of languages while at NSCC including Python, CSS, HTML, SQL, Java, and many more i being in this field has also showed me the other side of the field like Project management! ive learned lots during my time here and want to continue to challenge myself to learn more everyday!

My Portfolio

Hello my Name is Joshua Skeete, I am currently in my second and final year at NSCC in the IT Programming course. I have been working with alot of languages while at NSCC including Python, CSS, HTML, SQL, Java, and many more i being in this field has also showed me the other side of the field like Project management! ive learned lots during my time here and want to continue to challenge myself to learn more everyday!

Check out my Linkdin/GitHub!